Pest Prevention Tips, Sacramento pest control
It’s beginning to look a lot like…spring time! Which means lawn mowing, cleaning out the garage and of course the ever needed, yet somehow never completed, spring cleaning. In the midst of all of this hustle and bustle of the air-out-your-house season, it is important...
environmentally friendly pest control, Sacramento pest control
The EPA has recently added some resources on the Do’s and Don’ts of Pest Control. On their page, learn more about the steps you can take to safely control pests in your home: Try pest prevention first Do safely and correctly use pesticides Do dispose of...
Rodents - Mice - Rats, Sacramento pest control
Have you seen the show Infested! on Animal Planet? This show tells the horror stories of regular folks around the country dealing with pest infestations such as cockroaches, bed bugs, spiders, and rats in their homes and apartments. Last night they had a 6 hour...
Rodents - Mice - Rats, Sacramento pest control
The first signs of a rat infestation may appear in your yard or garden before the critters have moved indoors. Once they move into your yard, they will eventually move inside, so it’s preferable to catch them early. Common signs of rat activity outdoors include:...
Sacramento pest control, Spiders
Some of us are terrified, some of us are indifferent and some of us keep them as pets. What are they? Spiders! Here is a list of spiders commonly found in California and some general information about them. The Wolf spider The Wolf spider preys on insects that are...