Rats, Like Death & Taxes…
The cold, hard truth is, in spite of the best efforts of NYC pest professionals, the Norway rat is likely to persist there in the shadows and underfoot, out of sight and mind to most except those that seek it out.
2 California Cities in Top 25 At Risk for Rodent Infestation
Risk factors associated with major rodent infestation are at an all time high.
In the 2009 d-CON® Rodent Risk Report, renowned rodent experts Dale Kaukeinen and Dr. Bruce Colvin reveal how climate changes and recent economic factors such as rising foreclosure rates and unem-
ployment have had a substantial impact on the rising threat of rodent activity across the country. Is your city at risk?
DIY Risky for Families
“87 percent of adults are more likely to call a professional to control termites, followed by cockroaches (58 percent), rodents and bed bugs (56 percent), ants (27 percent) and spiders (24 percent)….
Spider Fact & Fiction: What to Look For, What to Do
Although the bite of the agrarian sac or yellow sac spider commonly found in our homes is not fatal to humans, this type of spider is believed to be responsible for more bites than any other spider, usually when trapped in ones clothes or bedding…. The only California spider known to inflict serious injury to humans is the black widow, which usually is found outdoors in hidden locations such as in wood piles or underneath porches or sheds. Take care when you’re outside gardening, especially at this time of year. The black widow’s web may not be visible in the sunlight, and you can easily stick your fingers into the wrong place.