Bed Bugs force California Library Closures
The Mitchell Park Library in Palo Alto and the North Branch of the Berkeley Public Library were both closed this past week after bedbugs were discovered in several areas. Both cities are sending bed bug-sniffing dogs to other area libraries to inspect for more of...
Sacramento’s Most Dangerous Spider
Most of the spiders we find here in our Sacramento pest control region are not capable of severely injuring we humans. But our area does host one of the most dangerous spiders in North America, the black widow, or Latrodectus hesperus. With the rain gone and warm...
Dealing with Bed Bug Infestations
Bed bug infestations have become increasingly common in the United States since the 1980s, likely as a result of increased global travel and trade, changes in available pesticides and possibly pesticide resistance. Once associated with crowded, deteriorated housing...
Yellowjacket and Wasp stings
In most cases, a single yellowjacket or wasp sting does not cause serious injury. However, in some cases people have allergic reactions that can be life-threatening—even when previous stings caused no reaction. The risk of a severe reaction increases with multiple...
Wasps & Yellowjackets in Sacramento
There are two types of “social wasps” in our Sacramento pest control region: yellowjackets and paper wasps. Of the two, yellowjackets are more aggressive and dangerous to humans. Yellowjackets will attack if their nest is threatened or, less frequently, if someone...
Eliminating Ant Infestations
Our Sacramento pest control company recently got a frantic call from a woman who had put off dealing with an enormous ant infestation on a large crepe myrtle tree that hung over her driveway. On a recent rainy morning, she walked out through her garage to pick up the...
Pest Pigeons in Sacramento
Sometimes visitors to our Sacramento pest control company Website are surprised to find pigeons on our list of household pests. The fact is, if your home or commercial building ever becomes a popular roosting spot for these ubiquitous city- and suburban-dwellers, you...