Western Yellow Jackets
In the fall when at its peak, a western yellow jacket colony can contain thousands of insects. In the winter worker yellow jackets die while queens hibernate. Queens lay eggs and establish new colonies in the spring. The first generation to mature are the new...
Keep Rats Out | Fall Preparation Guide
In the fall, as cooler weather nears, rodents like rats and mice start looking for warmer homes to spend the winter in. A rat can squeeze through a hole the size of a half dollar and a mouse can squeeze through a hole as small as the size of a nickel. To keep rats...
As Summer Ends Ants Get Busy
The Argentine ant is an invasive species introduced to California almost a century ago. Lacking natural enemies, these ants have taken over large areas of the state, wiping out other native species and becoming one of the most common ants we see today. This...
Why you should get rid of Pigeons
Pigeons may seem harmless, but these pest birds cause millions of dollars in damage every year to buildings, ventilation systems, machinery, statues, roofs, and much more. Bird droppings and nesting materials left by pigeons pose physical problems and health hazards...
Trash Cans that Sting!
You’re up by the clubhouse at your favorite golf course trying enjoy a nice cold soda after a great round, when suddenly you start to notice a lot of buzzing coming from a nearby trash can. You look over to see several yellow and black insects flying around the...
Golf Course Sued after Yellow Jacket Attack
A Cautionary Tale for Commercial Properties & Businesses In the summer of 2013 a Californian woman was taking a private lesson at a golf club in Napa Valley. According to court documents, she was preparing to take a shot on the fairway, when she was attacked by a...
Late Summer Pest Problems
Firing up the barbecue and enjoying our backyard is what comes to mind when we think of summer. Unfortunately summer fun time can also be summer pest time. While you’re enjoying your backyard, bugs and other pests can be lurking about trying to find their way into...