Care for Insect Stings and Bites

Care for Insect Stings and Bites

Most insect bite and sting reactions are mild, causing redness, itching, stinging, minor swelling, and major annoyance. Rarely, insect bites and stings, such as from a bee, a wasp, a hornet, a fire ant, black widow spider, or a scorpion, can result in severe...

Sacramento’s Most Dangerous Spider

Most of the spiders we find here in our Sacramento pest control region are not capable of severely injuring we humans. But our area does host one of the most dangerous spiders in North America, the black widow, or Latrodectus hesperus. With the rain gone and warm...

Spider Fact & Fiction: What to Look For, What to Do

Our pest control technicians have been getting lots of complaints about spiders lately. A couple of customers have even stopped by our office, bringing dead spiders in Ziploc bags so we could identify the intruders. In both these cases, the culprits were sac spiders....